Tuesday, August 27, 2013

King for a day

When you suddenly stop mid sentence when I walk in, that not only makes me suspicious but angry and upset and the fact that you don't want to talk, about anything is really starting to aggravate me all I want is for you to talk to me. And the reason I raise me voice is because I don't feel like you hear me like you could care less what I think, not because I enjoy it so when you read this I think you should stop and understand how hurt I am and maybe see that I've stopped talking because you don't want to talk. And yes I do understand that "nothing" sometimes does mean nothing but j also know that it means something sometimes as well. I'm not a jealous person but it baffles me why you don't understand why it bothers me when guys continually berade you with nasty messages, you deserve respect and none of then are giving it to you. 
Maybe I'm just over analyzing things but one thing that is true is that I love you and it hurts that it feels as if there's a rift growing between us

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