Thursday, January 30, 2014

Well if I can't say it with a scream maybe a whisper will do

You take the Internet away congrats, I still need an out let for all of the dark and otherwise angry feelings inside me, you want to know why I got defensive because I feel like I have to check in with you now every time I go out and no I didn't fucking drink because I wanted to go out and enjoy myself without alcohol you want to spend time with me yet you act distant I ask you what's wrong and I get the figity nothing response when I know something's wrong, you tell people I'm an asshole but act nice to me, you wonder why I'm confused and that's why! I've already admitted that I cheated and I know the trust is gone but if your just playing with me to get some enjoyment out of my tourture just fucking end it, maybe if you'd stop playing mind games and realize I'm trying to let you think and have brain space you wouldn't be so pissed off.

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