Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why can't you just accept my love.

So it's come to this why can't you just accept my love it's like after two years you'd think that ya know we'd have some sort of trust but because of John and everyone else manipulating you because at this point thats what it is. I love you but I need some privacy and that's what tumblr and facebook is for me and by invading it you betrayed my trust and let me say something I looked at your facebook and you flipped and told me that it wasn't fucking ok so I backed off and gave you your space and respected your space but apparently my space is free to invade so what the fuck is it you want me to leave? you want me to just dissapear because thats whats going to happen if you dont stop pushing me away. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND OTHERWISE THE EVENTUAL END OF OUR RELATIONSHIP IS NIGH.

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