Monday, October 15, 2012

So this be the final stand

You want a break, but you don't want a break....I'm trying to be the person you want me to be but why does it seem no one listens, does no one have patience, time these things take time to work and I especially will take time to get a hold of these things but it seems at every turn I'm wrong, it seems that I only let you down, disappoint, upset, or anger you and the things your friends say hurt too. Are you afraid of intimacy with me, do I disgust you, or is it just simply the fact that you don't believe me when I look into your eyes and tell you that you're so beautiful. I'm tired, broken, wilting, crumbling under the pressure and the intense pain of not knowing what your going to do I love you nothing will change that and somehow I think you know that which is why you do what you do because my love is never waning. I guess all I can do now is sit and watch like a small child as you ponder over your desicion.   

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