Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mask of velonica

As of late my stress level has grown exponentially and unfortunately my body is reacting in a bad way...night terrors are getting worse with the stress not to mention my emotions are spiraling out of control. I feel like I'm not the man Katie wants me to be and that she would rather have someone more stable in their lives(health, wealth ect.) i know I'm probably wrong but it's just the feeling I have and it bothers me even if I'm not thinking about it.
I know I'm supposed to just accept that she loves me and I do it's not that I don't know that she loves me because I know she does it's weather or not I deserve her love I've fucked up quite a few times in this relationship and I don't know if she trusts me fully or weather I'm just walking around half trusted and such.

All in all I guess I'm more worried she will realize that she can do better and leave me it's always been a fear of mine and will always be a fear of mine because along with that she would join the night terrors that haunt me so much and I don't think I could mentally and physically handle that. I just don't know anymore 

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