Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A labyrinth of which there is no escape

Where do you turn when there's no where left to go? 

To the darkness, to the edge to the void where nothing comes back. Yes I want to kill myself yes that seems like a good option, yes that for now would solve my problems, everyone I hurt would stop hurting.

I'm walking home tonight, because I hope someone will run me over and kill me, now before you all lose your shit....I love Katie and I want nothing but the best for her, guess what's not good for her. DING DING DING CORRECT ANSWER it's me! 

When you read this (you know who you are) know a few things
I love you
I know I've fucked up more times then is even remotely ok and you've still forgiven me and for that I that I thank you for.
If I do die's not your fault in fact it's no ones fault but my own.

Dad-thank you for raising me to be the man I am today, I guess I just couldn't stop hating myself long enough to see what you do in me.

Ashley, Erin, Cameron, Jesse- I love you guys and I appreciate everything you guys have ever done for me, I will never forget you guys.

Mom- I love you, please stop running around everywhere and take better care of yourself.

To my nieces and nephews-I love each and every one of you so much and just know uncle William is watching over you and he's sorry he couldn't be around to see you grow up.

To my friends- each one of you are special in your own right and I hope that each of you get to fulfill your dreams and do amazing things, never stop waving whatever flag you choose.

Brandi-I've know you for many years....just remember that sometimes a player has to die for the others to succeed  and there's nothing more that I want then you to succeed.

Katie- 3 years and almost 2 months we've been together but when push comes to shove I need you more then you need me and I know no amount of apologizing will fix what I've done but I hope one final apology will suffice.
I'm so terribly sorry for all I've done.

To everyone else....I'm sorry I left like this, but sometimes life just becomes to much.

Another white room sterile of emotions

I fucked up I lead one women on while being with another intentional or not this falls on me to deal with, no amount of sorry or anything will solve the bullshit I've piled up but the only way I can really deal with this is by causing myself pain like I did her the only problem is all that will get me is a trip to another hospital room....

Thursday, February 13, 2014

If it doesn't hurt physically prepaid for the emotional wreckage

All I want is for things to be a little easier than they are, is that too much to ask, and before you guys get all rhetorical and whatnot I know the answer is yes that is too much to ask. I love her I really do but do I hurt her more then I help her, the answer is yes, I've watched from my own eyes as I've said I'm helping but only hurt her.

I know for all the bitching and moaning I've done about her you'd think that I would absolve myself of all fault in this relationship but guess what nope, I choose to hurt myself to bring myself to the verge of death and back because well, I crave the attention well not the attention but I need to know I matter and that people care. 

When it comes down to it I really want to build up the courage to kill myself not because of anyone but because I myself have out lived my purpose and have over stayed my welcome on this world....I can only hurt I can never bring joy or happiness or anything like that, all I can offer is anger, sadness and pain.....please forgive me everyone for all I've done I will alleviate myself from you soon just give me some time....