Monday, June 16, 2014

I wonder if

It's ok to cry, it's ok to wish that your life never existed, it's ok to wonder if everyone would be better off without you....I wonder if maybe my time has finally come to pass. I hate to sound like an awkward pre-teen but maybe the black parade has finally asked me to be it's newest's a solem thought that I grasp to every night... 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

"Cancer in my mind"

One brick and it all comes tumbling down, one brick mistakenly tugged and my heart just obliterated. No I wouldn't let any harm come to you and it hurts more to know that you would think if let it happen...when push comes to shove I can't deny all the mistakes I've made but I can show you I've been making progress to make my life better so that maybe I can have you be a part of heart yerns for you like the grass yerns for water after weeks without. You most likely won't see this but if you do please know that I have left all the baggage behind and only want to show you how much better I've become